1. Articles of Organization (With their State)
2. Employee Identification Number (EIN #)
3. Dun & Brad #
4. Business Phone Number (800) Virtual
5. Business Address (Brick & Mortar/Virtual)
6. Business Email (gmail, yahoo, aol are not allowed)
7. Business Bank Account
8. 411 Directory
The client will receive 3 Business Credit Cards (Net 30) meaning that what ever you order the bill has to be paid in FULL within 30 days.
The loan specialist will speak with the Bus Owner and determine (out of over 70+ Leaders)
what Business Credit Card & Funding will be tailored and best fit for your company. Then they will apply and mail your credit cards to the Business Address you have on file. They will also send you to specific companies to get Company Vehicles (if needed)
depending on the type of company your have: food trucks, transportation, 18 Wheelers etc.
After receiving your Guaranteed $50K business credit cards & funding they guarantee you now are ready and have an excellent PAYDEX score (business credit) is ready for the banks/credit unions for much, much larger business loans. You can now go to your local state bank/credit union of your choice and get the $100K + capital needed to expand, franchise, reconstruct your company business.